
As vaccinations increase throughout the country,  speculators are running at full capacity to  meet the demand for housing.  As the sellers market continue at full steam, investors and developers are utilizing all available resources to acquire new inventory.  With the courts operating at limited capacity  resulting in only a fraction of the foreclosures hitting  the market for rehab,  the REO departments of the major banks have been buzzing with offers to purchase non performing notes, delinquent tax obligations,  vacant unattended land, and  bank owned  property in bulk.  PHAMC sees  at least another year of continued demand. PHAMC continues to increase its realestate portfolio, and will continue into the fall of 2021

– May 27, 2021 

-November 09, 2020


As the economy make its approach into the fourth quarter of 2020, its time to align with opportunities that have surfaced due to the pandemic. Spending and investment capital has made its way into “Covid Proof “ sectors.  Our challenge has been to decipher who will sustain this pivot, and or will they up and disappear once there is a Covid-19 vaccine. Power Holdings And Management Corp.,  continues to seek out these pockets of opportunity, and remain optimistic about the future of the global economy.           -October 28, 2020

As the world wide pandemic spreads from country to country, and the financial outlook for now looks dismal, one thing is for sure………. and that is all bad things must come to an end.  History has provided us with the instructions.  The markets will bounce back,  and where you end up will depend on your actions here and now.   PHAMC  will  look to take positions in the  technology sector, energy, and biotechnology.    -March  23, 2020

Power Holding And Management Corp., is looking to take advantage of the ” Cheap Money ” that will continue to flood the market.   Hard money rates have dropped to  lows of 7.50% , and  PHAMC believes  that rates will continue to stay favorable  until June of 2020.  It  would be a prudent decision to keep as much cash on hand, as the spring construction season starts in less than 2 months and investor opportunities will start to increase.     -March 04, 2020

PHAMC, will be on site at the Jamaica Development Project to complete the land survey and confirm preliminary architectural  plans for the infrastructure.  In addition, meetings are scheduled with the Jamaica Housing Trust, and Victoria Mutual Bank to discuss their participation in the project.      -February 27, 2020

The first annual Cheers For Charity fundraiser turned out to be a success.  Led by  Lorene Cowan who   hosted the event, on February  23, 2020. The Event was able to surpass their goal for donations raised for,   The National Student Entrepreneurs  Summit And Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs  or “NSES”.  Power Holdings And Management  Corp., was proud to participate and sponsor this event, as all proceeds go towards scholarships and grants for the NSES.   -February 25, 2020